10 Opinions For 2021 You Don’t Want To Miss | Arekibo Blog
2020 has been an unexpected year that opened up an array of opportunities. Opportunities to discover more about our capabilities, our threshold, and our resolve. It has uncovered the areas in need of improvement and exposed the areas where we need to overhaul.
In digital, we saw the change happening faster than ever before. With businesses moving to “online only” in Ireland and globally, came unexpected demands from their customers. They now needed more and new information and services, so content management teams had to quickly adapt, rethink their strategies and put them into practice. This shift has been so rapid and so fascinating, as well as very different for each respective business, that it made us want to learn more about how the digital industry was transformed.
This is why we turned to 10 digital leaders of Ireland’s largest companies. We asked them 3 simple questions: what were their biggest learnings and challenges in 2020, what are their hopes and dreams for 2021 and what companies inspire them in terms of their digital achievements.
The project idea was born in the late fall of 2020. In a conversation between our marketing team, our MD Martin Casey and the Head of Solutions, Paul. We were discussing how many examples of digital transformation and fast digital adoption we were seeing across the board, so we started wondering between ourselves how some of Ireland’s largest companies have adjusted to the changes.
And then we thought — why don’t we just go out and ask them?
Together with the team we made a list of companies that are inspiring to us, and a simple list of questions, and approached them asking to join the report. To out delight, they loved the idea and gladly accepted our invitation.
Their answers and reflections were fresh and insightful for us. We hope you enjoy them too.
If you would like to learn more about the campaign or need help by building a sustainable digital presence that would work for you, contact us today.
About the Author
Originally published at https://www.arekibo.com on January 21, 2021.