SETI #15: Best Blogs Of 2020 | Arekibo Recommends
In our last SETI, we discussed the renaissance of the QR code, what businesses can learn from high-performance sports and how to stay safe celebrating Christmas at home. This week we wanted to look back at 2020 and compiled a list of our best content from Google Analytics guides, tips to working from home, award wins and client interviews.
Analytics: Comparing Google analytics dashboards and Google data studio for reporting
Reporting on your data is vital, but which is better, Google Analytics dashboards or Google data Studio? Darren discusses both in detail and which is best for you.
Marketing: Change the way you plan your digital marketing campaigns
We created a template that will help your team to quickly collaborate and define the requirements for your next marketing campaign.
WFH: 5 tips for working from home the arekibian way
As we began remotely in March the Arekibians who permanently work from home shared some of their tips for working from home.
Customer Experience: Ronan Smith on content, CX and the future of digital
Ronan Smith from Central Bank of Ireland was planned to be a speaker at a planned event which was unfortunately postponed, but we got a great interview with him and found out what customer experience means to him and what he thinks the future of customer experience will be.
Compliance: Important advice for Irish organisations
As the deadline fast approached, we wrote a detailed blog about cookies, compliance, GDPR and the future of digital marketing in a new era of regulation.
Data: Combining Google Analytics data from two sites
A number of clients have asked about combining data from two separate websites on Google Data Studio so we explained the possibilities and how to combine the data.
UX: The benefits of design systems for the web teams
Design systems have become really popular in recent years. Brian from the UX team gave an overview of what a design system is and the opportunities it creates.
Case Study: Dublin Airport wins Sitefinity best website of the year
In May, our work with our client Dublin Airport was recognised by Sitefinity, as we won the Sitefinity website of the year award in the “Transportation & Logistics” category. We were given some feedback on why the site was shortlisted.
ePrivacy: Millennials and tracking on the web white paper
We collaborated with ESTIEM to survey millennials from across Europe asking them about ePrivacy, tracking, personalisation and trust. Do millennials trust your brand?
Digital Commerce: The digital journey of 3 fashion retail giants — H&M, Asos and Primark
As we all transitioned to working from home it made us think about other sections, how did retail cope with the move to online?
Feel free to share and tweet us or contact us if you have read any interesting articles that you think we should feature.
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About the Author
Originally published at on December 17, 2020.